
Sunday, May 8, 2011

SINGER® Sew Very Easy House Party™

Yesterday, I hosted a SINGER® Sew Very Easy House Party™ at my home. For those of you who do not know what House Party is, it's an awesome company that works with various vendors to help market their products to the average buyer. In return you get some awesome free products to try out and amazing take-aways for your guest!

House Party will send your party box, typically, 3-4 weeks prior to your party. My box for the Singer party came in while I was in Indianapolis for business. Mr. Woodsy failed to tell me that it came in, however, noted to himself that this was the heaviest box to date. The minute I got home I saw it on the counter and I was jumping for joy. Look at all the goodies House Party sent me!

What's even better is that because we got so many great goodies and so little people attended the party I'm going to be giving some sewing goodies. Stay tuned later this week for more details!

We had a low turn out at my party (because it was mother's day weekend multiple friends who sew on a weekly/monthly basis were unable to attend). However, that did not put a damper on our party! I'm actually kind of glad we had a small group over. We all had enough room to sew, concentrate, and of course do a little talking. It also gave me a chance to really show off this amazing new SINGER® Confidence Stylist™ machine. It is one amazing piece of machinery! After using it I feel like I've upgraded from a Honda to a Mercedes!
We started off our party with some Mexican snacks; mini chicken tacos, guacamole, salsa, and black bean and mango salad. Then got right to sewing. We made Roll-Up Accessories Cases that were super simple to make and gave us a chance to try out some of the fancy stitches!

Vanessa was having problems with her Singer machine, so she eagerly jumped on the new SINGER® Confidence Stylist™. Her machine is exactly the type of machine I learned how to sew on -- old fashion metal bobbin and all. She absolutely loved the new Confidence Stylist machine and is ready to go out and buy one!  

Sarah, the author of While They Snooze, flew through her project! She is a speed sewer! I guess you have to be when you only get to sew when the kiddos are sleeping! 

Annglea, the author of Anngela's Pretty Little Things, hadn't sewn in months. So she was super happy to be on her machine again! And the best part of all is that she has been wanting to make a roll-up accessory case for a while now!

Here are all the girls hard at work! I'm very lucky to have a pool table that converts into a 12 top-table! It makes for a great sewing location!

Vanessa sewing her first row of stitches for her accessory case! 

A close up of her sewing her stitch!

I took a quick break to take this photo. 

Vanessa and Anngela working hard! 

You can see some of the stitches I used!

Here is the finished project unrolled! 

Here's it rolled up!

Here are all of our projects! Sarah added a button to hers to jazz it up! 


  1. Looks like you gals had a great time! Your fabric is different than mine. I'll let you know when I post pics of mine and we can compare fabrics ;)

  2. Cute pictures. I had my party yesterday and hope to get a post written later today. Glad I found your blog!

  3. This totally reminds me of our monthly craft day that I host at my house. We have to be careful though not to plug in too many machines and blow the breaker. Love my old house. Thanks so much for linking up. Can't wait to see what you have for this week.
