
Monday, May 9, 2011

{Giveaway} SINGER® Sewing Prize Pack

This past weekend I had a SINGER® Sew Very Easy House Party™I mentioned yesterday because we had a low turn out that my readers are in luck. I am putting together an awesome goodie bag to giveaway to one lucky reader! In the goodie bag will contain one of each of the patterns pictured, some thread, and some awesome coupons! 

Here is a closer look at the patterns! 

Ok, so here is how you can enter. 

Leave one comment below telling me about your favorite sewing project. 
*For additional entries you can "Like" us on Facebook and Follow us on Twitter. {Please make sure that you leave individual comments for each of the 3 options and if you already follow us on Facebook & Twitter let us know... that counts as an entry!}

That means you get 3 chances to win this awesome sewing prize pack! 

This contest will close next Wednesday, May 18th at 11:59 am and is open to only United States residents. One person will be drawn at random using To qualify you must be following Sew Woodsy's blog. 

**Because Blogger was down for a few days I've extended the contest until the 18th! 


  1. Cool giveaway!!! I didn't want to be the first commenter because really, does the random number thingy EVER pick #1? But I just can't resist! My favorite sewing project by far was the quilt I made for my son while I was pregnant. It was so fun to plan out the perfect quilt for him, pick out fabrics, and sew it as a gift for him, all while feeling him kick and bump around in my belly. My husband joked that I'd have to run the sewing machine to put him to sleep when he was born because he'd be so used to hearing it while in the womb :-) It was definitely a labor of love, and my very favorite project yet!

    Rachel @ Maybe Matilda

  2. i sm new to sewing and the only think i have gotten to sew so far was a cape for my son! i would love to learn to sew handbags that way my DH would stop making comments about me buying so many bags!! hey a girl needs a bag to match her outfits!! lol

  3. i liked you on facebook!!

  4. I am new to sewing, but currently working on an Auburn apron. :) Would love to recieve this giveaway!

  5. My favorite sewing project? Hmmm... I have made so many different things. My favorite is usually the most recent. So I'll say my new bag. It's perfect for taking on a walk. Very long strap that goes across the body. Love it! Thanks for the giveaway.

  6. I am following you on Twitter! @tharshesews

  7. I guess my favorite was a quilt I made from vintage sheets. It's the only one I've ever made, and it's FAR from perfect, but I love the way it looks overall.

  8. I would LOVE this pack! My favorite sewing project are upcycling jean skirts. :) Thanks!

    I also "like' you on facebook!

  9. Great prize package! I'm like Krista above, my favorite sewing project is usually the most recent one. So I'd have to say it's the Ruffled Shrug I made recently. Plus as an upcycled project, I love it a bit more. Thanks for hosting this terrific giveaway!

  10. Awesome giveaway!! My favorite sewing projects is the quilt I put together for my neice.

  11. Am I aloud to enter?? If so, my favorite sewing project to date is probably all of my clutch/purses! And my flower/jewelry accessories. :) BTW--I also like you on FB and Twitter! :)

  12. Such a cool prize. I have always been seen as a crafty person but you have vision that I lack! Your crafts and upcycles are awesome! I have much to learn.

  13. I love making different kind of bags. It is fun to see them come together and see if it turns out as I pictured it.

  14. Hi - my favorite sewing project is anything I am into at the moment! LOL! I just started getting into sewing clothing for myself and I'm so excited that i made an awesome, cute skirt yesterday! I even wore it to work today. I'd love to win a goodie bag!!

  15. great giveaway! I think my favorite project has been the key pouches I made for friends. All them are actually being used daily!!

  16. Awesome giveaway! My favorite project is definitely a totebag. So fun and useful!

  17. I am new to sewing. I have made a little coin purse, and I made about 12 kleenex cozies.. LOVE makimng those.. thye are so easy and so fast. What a great giveaway.. I am trying to find a pattern for a tote that I can carry my coupon binder in. What a great giveaway.

  18. What a great giveaway! My favorite sewing projects are home dec items. Quilts...table runners, etc.

  19. Liked you on FB!

  20. I'd LOVE this prize!!! My favorite sewing project is anything baby related! Ruffle butt onesies, baby blankets, embellished burp cloths - anything!

  21. I follow you on twitter @fortheluvofboys

  22. I love to sew period. So, to pick one item that is my favorite to sew is hard. I do love to sew anything for decorating my home. Drapes, bedskirts, you name it! I am a follower!

  23. I am now following you on Twitter! :)

  24. lately my favorite project would have to be the headbands I made for my sister, daughter, and myself.Probaly doesn't sound like much, but they turned out! and look great too.

  25. I've only made a couple of things so far - I'm very new to sewing. But my favorite project is the tiny drawstring bag that I made to hold all my sewing machine accessories. It is black with white polkadots, with a white and black ribbon to hold it shut. So cute! I'd love to win the giveaway and get started on something more advanced.
    I'm following your blog on google reader, does that count as subscribing? I'm confused :/

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I'm also following you on twitter @teagazer

  28. My favorite sewing project so far is making my daughter ruffled skirts. I love how inexpensive they are to make and she gets a one of a kind outfit out of it. Thanks for the chance to win!

  29. I am now following on twitter (pumpkinlovebug)

  30. It's kind of silly, but my favorite sewing project was a baby sling I made for my puppy after she had hip surgery--that way I can keep her close even when I'm busy working on my projects. :)

  31. I definitely like you on facebook!

  32. Firstly, color me envious! I saw this on HP after I joined and was disappointed I missed the chance to sign up! Congrats, you!

    My favorite sewing project isn't really MY project. My brother wound up in Home Ec one year and, while the other guys were making ties and stuff, he made a pillow for our little sister...that she still has, 13 years later. :)


  33. I liked you on FB.

  34. And I follow you on Twitter!

  35. I love to make all types of bags, my favorite recently was a little purse for my baby girl. It was so much fun!

  36. My favorite sewing project was replicating the "Le Sac" dress from American Apparel. It's so ridiculously easy to make, and they charge 40 bucks for it!

  37. Oh dear, my fav sewing project...a couple summers ago I could not stop making my daughter (then 5) these adorable halter dresses. They were quick, easy, and looked adorable on.

  38. AND I'm now a "liker" on FB. I don't tweet however. Oh well, 2 out of 3! :)

  39. What a great prize!

    I just got back into sewing (so I've moved from "complete amateur" into "beginner") and so far my favorite project has been the bedding set I made for our daughters American Girl for Christmas. DH made the bed and I put together a pillow w/case, fitted and flat sheets, and a quilt.

  40. What an awesome giveaway. I have to say though that it's hard choosing just one project as a favorite. I'm working on a graduation dress for a friend of mine right now. She picked out a pattern and then asked for very specific modifications to the neckline and also asked for a full lining, so it's been an adventure putting it together (even though it's not done yet!) How exciting. Congrats to whomever wins!

  41. What a fabulous giveaway, I love a good pattern! I just made a bag with big grommets in it, that has been my favorite project! Thanks for the opportunity!


  42. My favorite sewing project was the Easter skirts I did for me and my girls. One of these days I'll get good pictures to put on my blog :)

  43. I liked you on FB!

    (I'm a new blog follower, too--love your blog! ;)

  44. My favorite sewing project was a hooded towel with a peek-a-boo faces border. I made it for a baby gift.

  45. I love to sew anything! I quilt and make handbags and aprons quite frequently. My most favorite project is usually which ever project I'm working on at the moment!

    Cool giveaway! I wanted to host one of these parties but didn't get chosen this time. Hopefully I'll get picked!


  46. I am new at sewing, so any project sounds fun! I recently made(with the help of my Nanny) some curtains for a room! Just got a new sewing machine and I just need all these awesome accessories to go with it!

  47. I am now following you on Twitter and your blog too!

  48. Hi, I like to make something small bag or pouches because it can be done quickly.

  49. I'm forllowing you on Twitter.

  50. My favorite project was the first tote bag I sewed. I was very proud of myself!

  51. My favorite project is making sundresses for my daughter. Great giveaway!

  52. I just finished a hospital gown for my pregnangt sister in law. It has pleats at the bottom and a tie so that it is a little more fitting. It is adorable!

  53. My favorite thing I have made would be a shopping cart cover for my little girl. Thanks for the chance to win.

  54. Like you on Facebook - Charlene G

  55. follow on twitter - @Btrfywmn

  56. My favorite sewing project was the homemade shade I made for my oldest son's nursery. I hadn't used a sewing machine since highschool, so it wasn't the neatest project I've ever done, but other than not being perfectly sewn it turned out exactly as I imagined, and it was my first pregnancy, so I was absolutely thrilled with it...I'm smiling like a loon just thinking about all those crooked seams.
