
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

What's Up Wednesday's {Link Party}

This past weekend we didn't do any crafting/home DIY/ wood working projects. Instead we spent some much needed time with close friends out in the middle of no where! We go to Keaton Beach at least once a year to go scalloping. We coast along the bay in a boat, stop at several locations with snorkel gear, mesh bags, and gloves, and look for scallops. If you want to learn more about scalloping you can visit my cooking blog, Katie's Cucina, where I wrote a post on our trip last year.

In the mean time we are slowly getting back to the grind. I'm currently working on an editorial calendar for the next few months. With Halloween quickly approaching I need a game plan! If you would like to guest post about a Halloween project you are planning to make please feel free to email us your idea. 

Yesterday, we featured 6 wonderful projects that were linked up last week. If you haven't done so already go check out these 6 projects, and if you are new to our blog, please grab a party button and display it somewhere on your blog! Now, let's party!

Rules for the link party:

-We would like it if you followed us on the blog (whether it's through blogger or via email subscription) !
-PLEASE display our party button somewhere on your blog.
-Make sure your link is to your specific post and not your main URL & add a short description.
-Please try to view and/or follow at least two other participants. That's what makes link parties work! 
-You can enter as many craft projects as you'd like. (No recipes!)
-No advertising please (that means Etsy). 
-Entering into this party gives us the rights to blog about and feature your blog post. 


  1. Hope you are having a wonderful Wednesday, Katie!
    Thank you for hosting another great party!

  2. linking back to under my fave parties! My first time linking up on my new sewing blog!

  3. Yay, I'm able to link up this week! :)
    We are going to have our first experience in Keaton and scalloping with the Hontz's the last weekend of August--I'm excited and nervous!!

  4. Thanks for hosting this again. I linked last week and will again this week. Going on vacation so I won't be able to next week, but I will come back as soon as I get back LOL Love looking through all the links for great inspiration.
    I would be honored if you came to see my blog here

  5. Thanks for inviting me and hosting this linking party. It's always fun to find new places to visit.

  6. Lovely links!
    Thanks for hosting!

  7. Thank you so so much for hosting, Katie!!! Have a fantastic weekend!
