
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What's Up Wednesday's {Link Party} & Features

I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July. Mr. Woodsy and I spent ours up north visiting family. We always spend our Independence Day's beach side. This year it was up north in two very busy cities; Philadelphia and New York City. No rest and relaxation for us... we hit the pavement running. While in Philly we did a historical walking tour, visited both the Constitution Center and the Liberty Bell. In NYC we were able to score tickets to see Spider Man --Turn off the Dark (AMAZING) and another off-broadway show which I'll talk about at a later date! We also got to visit the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island among other things. I can't wait to share pictures from our trip as soon as I'm done sorting through the 500+ (and then of course editing them). We got in yesterday afternoon and we've been tending to our house, our selves, and our little pup who missed us dearly. On the way home we were talking about all of the small projects we want to accomplish this month i.e., the craft room chair makeover, our master bedroom frame, recovering the bench, sewing curtains and making valances for our bedroom, a few secretive wood working projects, and mastering shirring so I can make cool new skirts and dresses for summer! But first, I guess I need to go pick up my sewing machine from being serviced! That's first on my chore list for this coming weekend. 

*I apologize if I did not comment on link party post during the past 2 weeks. I'm trying to slowly get caught up! :)

Here are the top 4 features (+ the new readers choice {there was a tie}) from last week. If you were one of the lucky 6 please make sure you grab a featured button and display it proudly (somewhere) on your blog! Make sure you stop by our Facebook page because we've started highlighting a few of the featured projects on there too!

Krylon Lamp Magic from Dream Home DIY
Now that we are starting to really think about our bedroom I really want to get rid of our plain lamps and make some awesome ruffle shades... well maybe just switch out the drum.... I love this!

Free Printable 4th of July Bunting & Flags from Nifty Thrifty Things 
{free printable: 4th of july bunting & flags}
Even though the 4th of July has come and gone it does not mean we have to stop being patriotic! I absolutely LOVE this!

Darts from Wayward Girls' Crafts
I've yet to make darts, and this was a great introductory tutorial! :) 

The reader's choice this week was tied... so here they are:

How to Make A Simple Bow from Pink Stitches

I love this tutorial and pinned it on Pinterest! I've always wanted to know how to make a bow like this and now I know how!!! :)

New Little Stamps from Saraccino
How awesome are these new stamps? I love all of her hand carved works! They are all so unique!

Rules for the link party:

-We would like it if you followed us on the blog (whether it's through blogger or via email subscription) !
-PLEASE display our party button somewhere on your blog.
-Make sure your link is to your specific post and not your main URL & add a short description.
-Please try to view and/or follow at least two other participants. That's what makes link parties work! 
-You can enter as many craft projects as you'd like. (No recipes!)
-No advertising please (that means Etsy). 
-Entering into this party gives us the rights to blog about and feature your blog post. 


  1. Thank you so, so much for featuring my bunting printables!! :)
    I'm excited to see pictures from your trip soon!
    Have a wonderful week!

  2. Thank you sooooo much for featuring our lamp!

  3. I love a good party. Thanks for hosting!

  4. Hi Katie!! I just saw that you did not want recipes on your link party!!..sorry!!...i didn't see it until after I linked up!! I'll remember for next time!! :)

  5. Thanks for hosting Katie!! Love all the features!!

  6. Katie,
    This is my first time visiting your party. Thanks for hosting it! Come see me at I am now following your blog!

  7. Thank you for hosting another great party! Your features this week are awesome!!!
    I host my linky party on Thursdays if you would like to join, I would love to have you!!


  8. Thanks for hosting and inviting me to join! I've linked up a couple of my favorite projects from Grits and Giggles!

  9. such great ideas people have! love looking through them :)

  10. Ack! I linked up my cupcake recipe on accident ... sorry :( It's still yummy I promise- but feel free to delete.

  11. Thanks for featuring me... and being readers choice... you all made me blush! :) Thanks :)

  12. Thank you so much for your comment on my blog and the invite to your link party!

    I'm your newest follower and am all linked up :D

  13. Tag your it! Please stop by my blog to pick up your award:

  14. Wow. What amazing projects these ladies come up with! :o)

