
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

What's Up Wednesday's {Link Party} & Features

Cheers! To the last Wednesday in June. I know I've mentioned it before, but it honestly feels like this month has flown by! 4th of July is literally right around the corner! Mr. Woodsy and I will be spending our Independence day up north visiting family. How will you spend your Independence day? With that being said don't expect too many blog post from us! 

Here are the top 5 features (+ the new readers choice) from last week. If you were one of the lucky 6 please make sure you grab a featured button and display it proudly (somewhere) on your blog! Make sure you stop by our Facebook page because we've started highlighting a few of the featured projects on there too!
Patriotic Ruffle Pillow from Dragonfly Designs
I absolutely LOVE this pillow. 

Evolution of a {Lamp Shade} from A Little of This, A Little of That
I adore this lamp shade and know that this would look fabulous in our bedroom. I think I might have to make 2 during our bedroom revamp project this summer. 

Kids Beach Bag w/ Matching Towel from Leidi Bird Designs
I want to make one of these for me! Forget having an excuse to make them for kids! :) 

Baby to Potter from Shelstring Blog
This is beyond amazing. I can't stop reading the post and "oohing and ahhing" over this amazing gardening stand. I want to make one, now! 

Custom Kindle Cases from Pink Stitches
I don't own a kindle, but this blog post makes me want to own one! I'm inspired to try and make my own for my iPad! 

Reader's Choice 
(most clicked on link last week)
Summer Dress from While They Snooze
I could not agree more with the readers. This dress is awesome! I'm so inspired by Sarah's creation! 

Rules for the link party:

-We would like it if you followed us on the blog (whether it's through blogger or via email subscription) !
-PLEASE display our party button somewhere on your blog.
-Make sure your link is to your specific post and not your main URL & add a short description.
-Please try to view and/or follow at least two other participants. That's what makes link parties work! 
-You can enter as many craft projects as you'd like. (No recipes!)
-No advertising please (that means Etsy). 
-Entering into this party gives us the rights to blog about and feature your blog post. 


  1. Thanks for featuring my Kindle Cases!! I hope you do get to make one for your iPad. They are so much fun! I'm having a giveaway right now at my blog, check it out if you get a chance! Thanks for hosting!!

  2. Thank you so much for hosting this fun party! :)

  3. I loved this post and was SHOCKED to see my pottig bench on here. Thanks for the other fun projects...I gotta get busy! ;) XoXo!!

  4. Love that patriotic pillow! It's so perfect for the upcoming 4th of july weekend :)

    xo katie elizabeth

  5. Thank you for the lovely feature!!! xoxo

  6. Just wanted to say I am joining your linky for the first time and I'm also your newest follower!

  7. Wonderful inspiration! Hope you had a wonderful 4th!
