
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What's Up Wednesday's {Link Party} & Features

Happy first Wednesday of the month. I am still in awe that its already June! Where has 2011 gone, and why haven't I completed all the house projects I wanted to by now? I hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day. We spent our extended weekend at the beach soaking up the sun and enjoying time with family and friends. Since we were at the beach we have been working like crazy trying to get some projects done. Mr. Woodsy started cleaning out the garage (finally), and has come to realization that he is (well claims he was) in the beginning stages of being a hoarder. He has purged quite a bit of scrap wood and other nonsense items that have made it into our garage... if only we could get rid of the tires and 8-person hot tub shell... it would make our garage that much more cleaner! We are also working on our chair for the craft room. I am finishing up on a few baby shower gifts, and have to begin making quite a few baby shower/birthday/anniversary cards. I've also set a deadline for Mr. Woodsy to start and finish the recessed lighting in the pool table room along with install the pendant lights over the kitchen island. Oh, and we just bought a new kitchen faucet... so that needs to be installed as well! Oh, and we just joined Pinterest! Are you on? Follow us! Never a dull day in our home! 

Last week we had 80 projects linked up (including the one recipe that was illegally linked up)--making it more and more difficult for me to choose just 5 to feature! If you were one of the lucky 5 please make sure you grab a featured button and display it proudly on your blog! 

Crushed Ruffle Totes from See Kate Sew
This is hands down one awesome tote! Kate is beyond talented... go check out her crafts! 

Laundry Room Sign Details from Life of the Cocktail Party
How awesome is this laundry room sign? I recognize I already made a laundry room sign, but I really, really, like this sign. I think I might need to recreate a sign just as cool as this one! 

Wet Bags from Morning by Morning Productions
These are awesome--not just for babies, but I'm thinking about the beach, lake, and any where that happens to be near water! I'd love to make one to store my bathing-suit in OR make vinyl on the outside and cloth in the inside to store items in the cooler like lip balm and hand sanitizer that don't always bode well in the sun. In any event... love the idea of this bag! 

Fabric Elephants from Craft and Cupcakes
This is the the third elephant I've seen in the blogosphere. I need to get on the burda website and download this free pattern, asap! 

Chic Pincushion from The Scrap Shoppe Blog 
From the minute I saw this pin cushion I fell in love with it. I need to make a pin cushion pronto. Now that we've been working on our chair I am finding that I leave my pin cushion in one of the two rooms... therefore I need 2 pin cushions (one for each room I'm working in)! 

Rules for the link party:
-Please make sure you're following us (we'll follow you back as long as you leave us a comment telling us that you're a new follower)!
-PLEASE display our party button either on your home page or on your post. 
-Make sure your link is to your specific post and not your main URL & add a short description.
-Please try to view and/or follow at least two other participants. 
-You can enter as many craft projects as you'd like. (No recipes!)
-No advertising please (that means etsy). 
-Entering into this party gives us the rights to blog about and feature your blog post. 


  1. Thanks so much for the link party. I subscribe to your feed in Google Reader and was happy to have actually made something the same day as your party.

    The beach sounds wonderful - it snowed here.

    We cleaned our garage this weekend too; my DH hadn't cleaned, purged or organized it in five years... what a disaster. It's wonderful now. The best thing was that we installed a big bright light. It's good for both working and seeing the mess.

  2. Thanks for the linky party! Just started following you on pinterest :)

  3. Thanks so much for finding me and inviting me over for the party! :-)
    I'll be reading!
    ~Bec :-)

  4. Thanks for the invite, I am now following you!

  5. Thanks for the invite! I'm you're newest follower, cute blog. :)

    I just started joining these cool parties this week & I'm having so much fun meeting new people!


  6. Thank you for the invite to link up again this week, Katie! And thank you a TON for featuring my pincushion!! :)

  7. Thanks for the party, and I am now a new follower! Found you bloghopping!

  8. Thanks for featuring my wet bags and for hosting! =)

  9. Thanks for hosting a fun party, and stopping by our blog today:)

  10. I am your newest follower! {last post didnt show my blog name}lol my bad! Thanks for the party invite!

  11. Thanks for the invite! I linked up and added you to my linky party list!

  12. Hello! Thanks for hosting, I am your newest follower! Yay


  13. Thank you so much for featuring me! You are too sweet! :)

  14. Thanks for the invite! and for the nice comment you left at my blog. I'm also following your blog.

  15. thank you so much for visiting my blog. and i am your newest follower and i linked up as well. thank you for hosting.

  16. new follower!! I joined the link party!

  17. thank you so much for your nice comment - I linked:) Tone

  18. Thanks for hosting such a cool party. There are some really neat projects linked up. I've been following for a little while. Pop over and take a look at my blog, I'd love for you to follow.

  19. Thank you so much for your kind comment and helping me find your blog! Have a lovely day.

  20. Great features! Love that Laundry Room sign! Thanks for sharing and for hosting this party each week.

  21. Thank you so much for stopping by the 36th Avenue. I think I am your newest follower... Love the party!
