
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Where we live... {Photography}

Two years ago we decided to purchase a home in the outskirts of town... near cow fields to be exact. We are surrounded by cow pastures. This was something new to me. Growing up I lived in apartments and town-homes, and had never lived near live stock. I would only see farm animals when I would drive down to Florida on vacation with my family. However, Mr. Woodsy grew up surrounded by live stock and other wild animals. Well, that is after Mr. Woodsy moved from New York City at age 6! He went from city slicker to country boy.

Each spring I look forward to the births of calfs in the pastures. In the months leading up (February-March) I constantly stare into the cow fields on our drives to and from work. Searching to see if any calfs have been born yet. I would say the first calfs this year were born toward the end of March, and each day there after on our way  home from work I would comment to Mr. Woodsy that I needed to bring my camera with me one day and take some photographs of the cows. 

Last week, I took my camera to work to photograph our Co-Ed Craft Lunch, and as we were driving home and we passed the first of many cow pastures I remembered I had my camera on me. I screamed (and {I think} startled Mr. Woodsy) asking to pull over so I could take some pictures of the baby cows (as I like to call them). 

This picture was taken at the second cow pasture we pass on our way home from work. This was my only successful photo at pasture number 2. I hopped back in the truck and we drove towards home hoping to stop at pasture number 3. 

This picture was the first photo taken at the third cow pasture. I photographed the "baby" cows across the street since I was afraid I would startle them... sure enough I did as I walked closer to the fence (across a some-what busy road). 

After I started approaching the baby cows they swiftly walked to their parents (or other adult cows) for comfort and protection.  

This hay caught my eye and I had to photograph it. I absolutely LOVE this photo! 

This auburn cow was my favorite of the day. It would not stop staring at me and wouldn't stop "mooing"... alerting all the other cows that something was nearby. 

So, what do you live near? Cow fields, the city, beach, etc? 


  1. I love these! I live in Brooklyn now, not a cow in sight. But I grew up in eastern Kentucky where you see things like this all the time. I miss it, but I like the country AND the city.

  2. I am in Wis-COW-sin. We don't have hoof stock now but there are mini versions of larger animals in our future.

  3. I'm definitely a gal who grew up near cows. I love it in the country, but don't mind a little bit of city to switch things up a bit. I love love love your photos. (Really wish I was that good with a camera) so glad to have stumbled across your blog!
