
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Features from Last Week's Link Party

First off, we have a giveaway going on until Thursday evening. Make sure you head over to the page and enter to win a set of "Dream" hand-carved stamps! They are amazing and made by a dedicated follower of ours! 

Wow--another week has gone by. We spent our weekend at the beach doing a little R&R and spending some time with Mr. Woodsy's family. Not too much crafting went on. But I did have a chance to finally take some "finished" photo's of a dress I recently completed. Stay tuned. I'll be posting about them within the next week! 

I'm also a bit in shock that Halloween is 69 days out and we've yet to start a project. So much for starting projects in August this year. Guess it will be a race to the finish line like last year was! 

Now, on to the features. Here are our top 5 features from last week, and our Reader's Choice feature! If this is your first time being featured please grab a featured button, and display it proudly on your blog! 

Pintuck White Duvet Cover from December Skye
This fairly new blogger, Skye, made an amazing Pintucked duvet cover for $20. These are all the rage right now in the stores and range from $70-300. Yes, it does look a bit tedious, but for $20 and to call it your own creation is well worth the effort in my book. Make sure you head over to her blog and show her some love. She has other amazing projects on your blog, that I'm sure your going to love! 

Lemonade Stand from Accessorize and Organize 
Ummm how amazing is this? AWESOME! I follow Rachel on both Twitter and Pinterst and got a sneak peak after she finished this project. For $17.93 Rachel and her children made this amazing lemonade stand. I always dreamed of having my own lemonade stand as a kid. A stand just like the one Rachel and her kiddo's made. I'm jealous. I want to join her kids and sell lemonade too! 

A Simple Message from A Creative Princess
If you frequent Pinterst (like I do) you've definitely seen a wide variety of these signs. Super inexpensive, powerful, and best of all easy-to-make! I'm already dreaming up a Holiday sign to make! 

Sew Cute! from The 36th Avenue
I'm in love with this sewing spot! I've never used vinyl as a stencil, and am very intrigued to give this technique a try! I love the antique look DesirĂ©e gave these thrift store boxes! Make sure you stop by her blog. She's giving away 3 sets of vinyl stencils to create your own customized sewing area.

The Secret Compartment from Craptastic
Katie found this chair at an estate sale. Removed the "creepy fabric", painted the chair, and recovered it. The best part of this chair is the secret compartment. Mr. Woodsy and I just found bar stools that had this secret compartment and fell in love with them (not so much the price tag). I think I'm officially going to start searching for estate sales to attend. 

Reader's Choice

DIY Patio Lights from Crafty Butt
How amazing are these lights. Melody saved tons of money by making her own lights. She found a bag of the grapevine balls at the Dollar Tree and with a little time she untangled a strand of Christmas lights she had laying around. These are AMAZING! 


  1. yay!!! thanks katie!!! i have a few more pallet projects i want to do, but taking them apart is them! i'll grab a button!!

  2. Hi Katie! I didn't even know about your linky party. Is it every Weds? I'll be sure and drop by if I have something to share :D

  3. Wooo! Thanks for the feature Katie! You rock! Love all the other features!
