
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

What's Up Wednesday's {Link Party} & Features

First off, Happy Anniversary to Mr. Woodsy and I! Three years ago (June 21st) we got married on a hot {first day of summer} evening in Florida. We went out to dinner, and will be vacationing next week. We typically don't exchange gifts since we tend to always go away around our anniversary to celebrate another year together. We do make each other cards. Yes, hand made cards, and yes, Mr. Woodsy even makes one. it's the reason why he even knows how to use the cricut. For each major gift giving holiday we make each other cards. Since I have more than enough supplies on hand he has absolutely no excuse to not make a card. 

On a crafty note: We are still working on our chair for the craft room, and I'm almost done with my ruffled linen throw pillow for our bed. Like everyone else I have tons of ideas and no time to get any crafting done. Fingers crossed I can make some of the projects I've been wanting to in the next month or two. 

Here are the top 5 features (+ the new readers choice) from last week. If you were one of the lucky 6 please make sure you grab a featured button and display it proudly (somewhere) on your blog! Make sure you stop by our Facebook page because we've started highlighting a few of the featured projects (and other's) on there, too!
We're THAT House from Busily Spinning Momma
I love this Pottery Barn inspired pillow that Dorian made! Get this, she spent only about $1 to make this awesome pillow. She used her cricut, an old bed sheet, and some paint!

No Sew Modest Skirt from A Couple of Craft Addicts
$16 short skirt, Heat-n-bond, and lace = classy skirt! I love this idea and have never thought to add to a store-bought skirt before. I will keep this in mind in case I ever fall in love with a short skirt! 

Wood Turning from I Design 
Although she didn't make it (bragging about her uncle), Mr. Woodsy loves this. Some of you might know he is a wood turner, so anytime he see's wood turning on blogs he get's a bit excited! 

Stars & Stripes Pillows from Stubbornly Crafty
I absolutely love these pillow coverings. Not only are they uber patriotic they are amazing! It makes me want to go make some pillow coverings right now! 

Key and Coat Hook Design Tutorial from Laugh, Love, and Craft
Laura did an amazing job using some items on hand to create this key/coat hook shelf! It's simple but yet makes a huge impact and I love the colors! 

Reader's Choice 
(most clicked on link last week)
How to Create a Closet from Morning by Morning Productions

Rules for the link party:

-We would like it if you followed us on the blog (whether it's through blogger or via email subscription) !
-PLEASE display our party button somewhere on your blog.
-Make sure your link is to your specific post and not your main URL & add a short description.
-Please try to view and/or follow at least two other participants. That's what makes link parties work! 
-You can enter as many craft projects as you'd like. (No recipes!)
-No advertising please (that means Etsy). 
-Entering into this party gives us the rights to blog about and feature your blog post. 


  1. Happy Anniversary!! Thanks for hosting!

  2. Happy Anniversary! :)
    And thank you for hosting!

  3. Happy Anniversary! My husband and I use the traditional gifts for each anniversary, 1st=paper, 2nd=cotton, etc. so if it's your third that would be leather!

  4. Well Happy Anniversary, you two, you're off to a great start!

  5. happy anniversary and thank you for featuring my uncles work :)

  6. Happy Anniversary!! Thank you for hosting!!

  7. Happy anniversary! Love your linky parties. :)

  8. Thanks for featuring my "closet" and for hosting! Happy anniversary!

  9. happy anniversary!
    Love the name of your blog, too cute!
    thanks for hosting, first time here.

  10. Thanks for the invite! Looove your crafty space! Can you build be some of those shleves!??! Awesome! Oh and Happy Anniversary ~ June 21st was our too {2003}!
