
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What's Up Wednesday's {Link Party} & Features

Wowza's! We are now in mid-June. Where has the month gone? I'd like to first take a minute to speak on a personal note. 9 years ago today, Mr. Woodsy and I started dating. Yes, 9 years (and it's flown by). Next week we will celebrate our 3rd wedding anniversary. 

Now back to the regularly scheduled link party and features... 

I'm loving the new analytics that Linky Tools has available! With that being said here are the top 5 features (+ the new readers choice) from last week. If you were one of the lucky 6 please make sure you grab a featured button and display it proudly (somewhere) on your blog! Make sure you stop by our Facebook page because we've started highlighting a few of the featured projects on there too!
 DIY Mirror from Team Southards
I absolutely can not get enough of this mirror. It's beyond amazing. No, it's brilliant! I'm ready to recreate it... like today! 

Dress Refashion from Suburbs Mama
First off, congratulations for being featured two week's in a row! This dress revamp is amazing! You did a phenomenal job, and it makes me want to go scour the clearance racks to find a dress that I can revamp! ;) 

Is There Anything Mod Podge Can't Do? from Closet Crafter

I would have never known that you used mod podge to adhere the poster to a canvas (until I read the post). I'm very inspired to give this a try! Great job on saving money and making this amazing!

My Sister's Chandelier from JandJHome

Wow, this is amazing. Especially when you look at the original picture from Goodwill. Good for you for not passing it up. I would have passed it up given my lack of confidence in my revamping skills.

 I Made Shorts! from McCoyalicious 
Yes, that's right. This momma made her own shorts! No pattern... she made her own. I am beyond inspired and proud for you! I would have never guessed that these were an elastic waistband! 

Reader's Choice 
(most clicked on link last week)
Home Office Organizing Tips and DIY Projects from Rebecca's Soap Deli News
Rebecca talks about getting a new job and ways to keep your home office organized. 

Rules for the link party:

-We would like it if you followed us on the blog (whether it's through blogger or via email subscription) !
-PLEASE display our party button somewhere on your blog.
-Make sure your link is to your specific post and not your main URL & add a short description.
-Please try to view and/or follow at least two other participants. That's what makes link parties work! 
-You can enter as many craft projects as you'd like. (No recipes!)
-No advertising please (that means Etsy). 
-Entering into this party gives us the rights to blog about and feature your blog post. 


  1. Thanks for featuring my dress.

  2. Thanks so much for hosting! I love the features from last week!!!

  3. So glad you liked my shorts!! Thanks so much for featuring me. <3

  4. thank you so much for hosting. the mouse
    pad makeover is a brillent idea!!

  5. Thanks for invinting me! So glad you directed me to your blog and party! i am a new follower!
