
Friday, June 10, 2011

(Tutorial) Customized Magnetic Frame

Last week my Aunt  Millie turned 88. After her birthday last year she requested that no one buy her gifts, anymore. She has more than she will ever need and doesn't need any more materialistic things in her life. So, we bring her flowers or gift cards... because gift cards to restaurants are not materialistic *at least in my book. Mr. Woodsy, myself, and my parents drove up to Palm Coast (about a 2-1/2 hour drive) last Friday to celebrate Aunt Millie's birthday. I didn't want to just bring her flowers. I wanted to make something that she could have and look at, and although she did not want gifts I didn't really feel that this qualified as a "gift"! I had a House Party two months ago and had quite a few of the magnetic frames left. Me being the craft hoarder I am--I had kept them. I instantly thought of a very unique gift to bring Aunt Millie. I'd make her a magnetic frame with a picture of the three of us in the frame, for her refrigerator! I literally did this project 15 minutes before we were about to leave for Palm Coast. *Hence, the reason why some of my pictures aren't the sharpest... I was crafting and photographing at rapid speeds! 

I took a piece of scrapbook paper and taped it to the magnetic frame. (I taped the inside of the paper since you won't see that part.) I then used my exacto knife and carefully cut around the corners and the inside of the frame. *Carefully as in speeding through and if I would have taken my time I would not have had a few uneven spots. 

Here is what your paper will look like once your done. 

 Next, I used a small slathering of mod podge on the area I wanted to adhere the scrap book paper too. 

Then I carefully placed the scrapbook paper on the magnetic frame. 

Next, I found some floral embellishments and hot glued them on to the frame. 

Here is what the final product looked like. 

Mr. Woodsy, Aunt Millie, and Mrs. Woodsy. 


  1. Such a great idea for a Father's Day present. We'll have to get crafting soon!

    Thanks for sharing :-)

  2. Love the family frame and pic.

    Thanks for grabbing the button too!

    I still can't believe our first party had over 300 links. I have a special give away planned for linkers this week.

    Thanks again, hope to see you at this weekends bacon time party!

  3. Great transformation. Thanks for linking up last week. Can't wait to see what you have for thursday's party!
