
Thursday, May 19, 2011

{Winner} SINGER® Sewing Prize Pack

Wow, first off, thank you to all 60 entries! This is the most participation we've had by far which means that more contest are in your future! Last week I told you that I'd be giving away free sewing patterns, thread, and coupons to one lucky reader.  Because we had so much participation and I'm feeling very giving I am going to give away a second set of patterns, thread, and coupons!!!

The first winner is: 

AND the second winner is... 

Please email us with your full name and address and we will send out your patterns, thread, and coupons! The coupons expire by the end of the month, so the sooner you email me the sooner your packages will arrive! 

*Remember that you have until Friday at midnight to link up your awesome craft projects for the week! 


  1. congrats to the winners, I'm jealous :) happy sewing

  2. I just wanted to check and make sure you got my email today! i sent it earlier today! thanks again!!!
