
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What's Up Wednesday's {Link Party} & Features

Well, I think it's just about officially summer here in Florida. One of my goals this summer is to not spend all of our free time indoors working on house projects. Subsequently, that means not a lot of crafting. Although during the week nights after work I plan to get my fill of craft projects! Needless to say, the chair was not worked on this past weekend, but tracing around the fabric, a few cuts, and two straight hems were accomplished last night! 

I must admit, I'm a proud mama of this blog! Not only were we featured on Craft Gossip last week, we had over 70 amazing crafts linked! Here are a few of my favorites from last week. If you were featured, please grab a button and display it proudly on your blog!

She's at it again with what I'd like to call the cutest hat to date! How adorable is this princess hairdo hat??? 

Foot Stool Transformation from Casa de Elliott
If your looking to recover an old foot stool or even make one, this is a great tutorial to follow! 

A Meandering Quilt from While They Snooze
Although, many of you know that this is a dear friend of mine I couldn't resist not showing off her AMAZING quilt she made for her third nephew! Honestly, one would think that she has been making quilts all her life! AMAZING work, Sarah!!!

Upcycle t-shirt from Easypeasy Grandma
I always love the upclyced shirt, and have yet to make one. I love the flower rosettes she added to this plain jane shirt! 

Diagonal Sweater Handbag from Show Tell Share
I love the idea of taking an old sweater and turning it into a handbag! 

I only typically feature 5 projects, but I couldn't leave out this carseat makeover! 

Carseat Makeover from Morning by Morning Productions 
I can't even imagine recovering a carseat... the patience's you have is golden! I'm not sure if I could ever do a recover like this! Great job!!! 

Rules for the link party:

-Please make sure you're following us (we'll follow you back as long as you leave us a comment telling us that you're a new follower)!
-PLEASE display our party button either on your home page or on your post. 
-Make sure your link is to your specific post and not your main URL & add a short description.
-Please try to view and/or follow at least two other participants. 
-You can enter as many craft projects as you'd like. (No recipes!)
-No advertising please (that means etsy). 
-Entering into this party gives us the rights to blog about and feature your blog post. 


  1. Thanks for hosting, have a great day!

  2. Great features! I love that Princess Hairdo hat! So Sweet! Thanks for sharing and for hosting this party each week.

  3. Thanks for hosting!! I love that flower shirt from last week--I must have missed it. This is a great place for project ideas

  4. Thanks for the invite - following back, nice site you have here.

  5. Thanks for inviting me to join the party!

  6. Thanks for hosting and thanks for inviting me over.

  7. Congratulations on the HUGE feature at Craft Gossip!

  8. Thanks for the invite and sweet words on my son's room!

    New Follower!!


  9. thanks for organizing this party!
    Following you now!

  10. new follower from

    thanks for hosting!!!!

  11. Thank you so much for the invite to link up, Katie! :)

  12. Thanks so much for the feature! I love your blog!

  13. Thanks so much for featuring my Little Princess Hat!

  14. Thanks so much for letting me link up! I am new around here and I'd like to become a follower, but it looks like it's not available at the moment (maybe something with blogger is down). I will check back later to start following!

  15. Thanks so much for letting me know about your party! Since I am late I will try and remember to link up to your next week party post.
