
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What's Up Wednesday's {Link Party} & Features

We hope everyone had a wonderful Easter holiday. We spent 4 days on the West Coast of Florida soaking up the sun and finally having a few days off together (the first time in 2 months)! Needless to say I tried to stay away from anything that could get internet access. I worked on not one blog post, edited zero photo's, and made not one craft. It was a nice break from our busy, busy, BUSY lives!!! The few days "disconnected" from the world gave me a chance to put some priorities in my life. My goal (well our goal) when we first started this blog was to post once or twice a week. I'm (since we all know it's Mrs. Woodsy who writes all the post) fulfilling my goal of writing one post a week, but it's just link parties... it's not show casing the cool things we create. I'm really going to put my best effort into creating at least one creative post a week on top of the link party post. 

With that being said, here are a few of my favorite crafts from last week! (If this is your first time being featured please grab a "featured" button.)

These would make for wonderful baby shower gifts (and they are easy to make, too)!

Sunkissed Apron: Finished from Whittle Stitch
apron detail1
Once again, another amazing apron! I mean it--it's on my craft project list! 

Barbie Sock Dress Tutorial from The Moody Fashionista

Ahhh! This is amazing and genius all at the same time! I was Barbies number one fan when I was a child and wish I could have had someone make me custom Barbie clothing! AMAZING! 

Teacher Appreciation Gifts from Creative Mommas

I love this wood block calendar and I've yet to make one! I absolutely love the color pallets chosen on both of the calendar sets!!! 

Twine Ball Yarn Eggs from Sugar & Spice in the land of Balls & Sticks
These are so awesome! They look like something I would buy at a store! 
Bookmarking this project for next Easter! 

Remember, if you aren't doing so already and would like to get our blog post delivered to your e-mail inbox, please subscribe via email! I promise you will start getting some more awesome projects in the near future (not just link parties)! 

Rules for the link party:

-Please make sure you're following us (we'll follow you back as long as you leave us a comment telling us that you're a new follower)!
-PLEASE display our party button either on your home page or on your post. 
-Make sure your link is to your specific post and not your main URL & add a short description.
-Please try to view and/or follow at least two other participants. 
-You can enter as many craft projects as you'd like. (No recipes--go to Katie's Cucina for that!)
-No advertising please (that means etsy). 
-Entering into this party gives us the rights to blog about and feature your blog post. 


  1. Just an FYI, the Barbie link goes to the wrong place...

  2. Thanks for hosting yet another week:) Your features are awesome! I linked up last week too, but I forgot to place the button on my blog.. I just realized that!! So sorry!!! I have now corrected that :)
    Hope you have a great day:-)

  3. Looking forward to seeing more of your projects, thanks for hosting!

  4. thanks for hosting this party. I am your follower too.

  5. Thanks so much for featuring my Twine Ball Yarn Eggs with all of these fantastic projects! What a nice surprise! And thanks for hosting this party each week. I love all the inspiration out there in blogland.

  6. Hi Creative Katie~

    Happy to have found your blog & be a new follower. :) Thanks for hosting a fun party, great features this week.

    Drop By The Tattered Tag

  7. Thank you so much for featuring my Barbie dress! Love your blog! Thanks for hosting such a fun party!

  8. Thank you so much for featuring my Barbie dress! Love your blog! Thanks for hosting such a fun party!

  9. Thanks for hosting yet another week:) Your features are awesome! I linked up last week too, but I forgot to place the button on my blog.. I just realized that!! So sorry!!! I have now corrected that :)
    Hope you have a great day:-)
