
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me!

This year I've had the "Birthday Blues" as they are called. It's not because I'm getting older--I simply have a lot of stuff going on in my life + Mr. Woodsy has been working a non-traditional work schedule. I knew I wasn't going to spend the evening of my birthday at a nice restaurant with him nor any of the weekend. I am going to a Food Blog Forum Seminar this weekend, which is definitely the highlight of my "Birthday weekend".  I've made no plans with friends (outside of work) and all of my family is working. Luckily, my co-workers were able to turn my frown upside down. 

Last year, they transformed my cube into a kitchen. To be exact, they transformed it into Katie's Cucina. I work with a very creative group, and we celebrate just about everyone's birthday in our department! 

This year, they transformed my cube into a crafty space! 

Apparently, I'm the next Martha Stewart! They photo-shopped my face onto Martha! lol. 

They printed out a sewing machine, pictures of thread, placed a real piece of fabric on the machine along with some glitter glues! It looks realistic! 

They made a flag style banner {like I make for birthday's} along with re-branding Martha's Living collection with my name! My mother in-law brought me flowers and balloons, too! 

Here is another view of the banner and picture of me!

And I even got to cook with Mario Batali! 

I'm so grateful to have such great friends and coworkers. They made my day special, and without them the day would not have been the same!


  1. So cute! sorry you are having the birthday blues =/ You are so blessed with amazing people in your life =) Happy Birthday again girl!

  2. HAHA I LOVE it Katie, they always do something awesome! This is TOO cute!

  3. That's awesome! Happy Birthday!!!

  4. That's so sweet of your coworkers! What a fun place to work. Happy Birthday!

  5. aww so sweeet! that is so thoughtful they did all that for you:)HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  6. I love the sewing machine! And I love you with Martha Stewart hair! Seriously. It looks really good on you. This is how your hair was when I first met you.

  7. Happy birthday to you! And what coworkers! That is so sweet that they care about you enough to go to all that trouble!

  8. aww so sweeet! that is so thoughtful they did all that for you:)HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  9. That's so sweet of your coworkers! What a fun place to work. Happy Birthday!

  10. HAHA I LOVE it Katie, they always do something awesome! This is TOO cute!
