
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Laundry Room Signs {Wash, Dry, Fold}

I started these laundry room signs back in September, and they sat... for months. Until finally, I was tired of looking at them in my guest bedroom. I had finally decided how I would display them and what color scheme I was going for in the laundry room. I originally got the idea from CraftOManiac, and with some pre planing aka browsing the internet, I knew how I wanted to make these signs my own!

I purchased the same plaques from the dollar store, removed the ribbon, and began painting with a "sample" paint I had from painting our house. After I was done painting I was ready to cut out my letters with the cricut and mod podge them on the plaques; however, Mr. Woodsy was not happy with how rough the wood was. So he took them, and sanded them down for me, and then I painted another coat of paint on them. 
While the paint was drying I decided on the font I wanted to use, and began cutting out the letters using the Jasmine cricut cartridge. 

 I then applied a thin layer of Matte Mod Podge to the panted plaque. I carefully placed the letters on the plaque and let it dry for a good 20 minutes.  *Obviously this is the wrong order that the sign should go in.

About 20 minutes later I applied another layer of mod podge. Pictured above is the mod podge dried. I then waited MONTHS until I did anything with these inexpensive signs.

A few week's ago I finally decided what color ribbon I wanted to use and where I wanted to place these signs. I decided I wanted them to read vertical instead of each sign hanging horizontally. I used one consecutive piece of ribbon as pictured above. 

After reconfirming that I liked the spacing I removed the bottom sign and placed hot glue on each of the ribbon pieces. 

I carefully placed the sign on the ribbon (pushing down firmly to make sure that it sticks). Make sure when you are pushing the sign onto the ribbon that it doesn't move and that hot glue doesn't drip over the edge of the ribbon and adhere to your floor (like mine did)! 

Repeat the last two steps (two more times) until all three signs have been glued to the ribbon. 

Here is the finished product... except when we went to pick it up the "wash" sign was leaning over. 

So, I fixed this by adding additional dot of glue towards the top of the ribbon on each side. 

I used my handy dandy Hot Glue Gun Helper to push the ribbon that had the hot glue on it onto the placque. No more hot glue burns here! :) 

I consulted with Mr. Woodsy on where I would like it hung, and he went right to work. 

Here is the final product! Plus, a sneak peak of what's to come (Re-Wrapped Fabric Board)! 


  1. Cute project! I really need to pretty up my laundry room, too. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Those are so cute! I really need to make my laundry room look better--its so ugly right now! But its in the garage so I am at a distinct disadvantage I think!Thanks!

  3. DARLING, love your spin and take on them. The photo/message board sure is cute too. GREAT JOB. Thanks for the linky love too. WINKS- JEN

  4. What a great idea! Love them! Just found your blog and signed on as a follower. Come on over to and consider following too!

  5. I loved this so much I featured it on this week's Ten Buck Tuesday! Email me at youngnester(at)gmail(dot)com to get the code for the "I've been featured" button! :)

  6. This is so fab! I need one of these to remind hubby what to do with his dirty laundry sometimes! Thanks for sharing.

  7. Very cute! Thanks for linking up to Mad Skills Monday!

  8. Such a cute sign - love the font you chose too. Thanks for linking up to Scrappy Saturdays. Featuring this tomorrow!

  9. Very cute! Thanks for linking up to Mad Skills Monday!

  10. What a great idea! Love them! Just found your blog and signed on as a follower. Come on over to and consider following too!

  11. Those are so cute! I really need to make my laundry room look better--its so ugly right now! But its in the garage so I am at a distinct disadvantage I think!Thanks!
