
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

What's Up Wednesday's {Link Party}

Ahhh with only 3 days until Christmas I am on a mad dash to get work done (so I can use up the rest of my vacation days), get Christmas presents wrapped, and complete the rest of my holiday decor crafts! I'm sure some of you can relate! I'm slacking this year. I'm not too much in the spirit--I think Halloween drained me! 

This is our 10th link party and response has been great! Please remember to only link up crafts--no food links please! I hate deleting, but I will if I need too (I've had to the past 2 weeks)! Keep up the great crafting and for those of you who celebrate Christmas have a very Merry Christmas! 

Rules for the link party:

-Please make sure your following me (I'll follow you back as long as you leave me a comment telling me that your a new follower)!
-PLEASE display our party button either on your home page or on your post. 
-Make sure your link is to your specific post and not your main URL & add a short description.
-Please try to view and/or follow at least two other participants. 
-You can enter as many craft projects as you'd like. (No recipes--go to Katie's Cucina for that!)
-No advertising please (that means etsy). 
-Entering into this party gives me the rights to blog about and feature your blog post. 


  1. I'm your newest follower :) Thanks to the linky.

  2. Congratulations on your 10th party!!! Hope you have a very Merry Christmas!!!

  3. My nephew has a cabin in the Adirondack Mountains and they have decorated with a cabin in the woods theme with Moose, bears, and all things cabiny (is that a word?). I am now officially a follower of yours.
    Merry Christmas, LInda

  4. I'm your newest follower :) Thanks to the linky.
