
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

What's Up Wednesday's {Link Party}

Hello and happy hump day to all. Happy December 1st as well! With the holiday's quickly approaching I know most crafters are in over-drive trying to get all there hand made gifts finished. I would love to say I am, but I've been pretty preoccupied for the past few weeks (unfortunately, not with crafts). Although, I'm honestly planning on crafting up a storm this coming weekend! I promise! I'm long over due for some exciting tutorials. I've been working with Mr. Woodsy with his tutorials for the desk, paper rack, and the shelf that he is hanging tonight for the craft room! These are three amazing and very awesome tutorials that you will get this month! *promise*

Like always we love seeing everyone's creations! Please don't hesitate to post your latest and greatest craft projects, and please remember this is craft's only. If you want to post your recipes go to Katie's Cucina for that! I aka Mrs. Woodsy also runs a cooking blog and each Friday host a link party! 

Rules for the link party:

-Please make sure your following me (I'll follow you back as long as you leave me a comment telling me that your a new follower)!
-PLEASE display our party button either on your home page or on your post. 
-Make sure your link is to your specific post and not your main URL & add a short description.
-Please try to view and/or follow at least two other participants. 
-You can enter as many craft projects as you'd like. (No recipes--go to Katie's Cucina for that!)
-No advertising please (that means etsy). 
-Entering into this party gives me the rights to blog about and feature your blog post. 


  1. Thank you for hosting the party! I can't believe I'm the first one!!!!

  2. I just put a follow me widget on my blog would love to have you follow me, I follow you:o)

  3. Hey there! Just wanted to let you know that I gave your blog an award: :)

  4. What a cute blog! I can't wait to join the party. I'm a new follower! :)

