
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Spooky Tree's

Two week's ago Mr. Woodsy surprised me with two very large spooky tree's! They were damaged and had been used on a play set many years back. He decided he would restore them (i.e., repaint them), and put them in our front yard. I agree'd to let him take them home, but to be honest I had very little faith that they would come out like they were originally painted. He bought a few tester paints, and started painting away... too my surprise (and I think his, too) they came out AWESOME!!! Way better than either of us had ever dreamed! Who knew he was an artist? 

*testing paint colors. 

Mr Woodsy anchored the tree with a 2x4 in the ground, so that it wouldn't blow over. 

Mr. Woodsy went into the woods behind our house and picked up tons of moss and branches to fill the tree's with. *Free decorations--he's so resourceful! 

Adding some branches! 

A close up of the finished product! 

One of our spooky tree's in the "graveyard"! 

Look at the detail on the face! 

Love the way he put the moss around the bottom of the trunk! 

The front of our house! The other tree is on the other side of the drive way! 


  1. I love it! Reminds me of the apple orchard in the Wizard of Oz lol! That is a GREAT find for sure! Now all you need is a motion dectect sound coming from them to scare the pants off people. Or at least it would me... at first. :)

  2. Wow, cool tree. I'd mention that first comment but I'm assuming you'll delete it so it wouldn't make any sense to anyone else that comes along after me. Oops, I already did! Hhehee

  3. Those look AMAZING! Mr. Woodsy did such a great job restoring them!

  4. Wow, wow, wow!! Those are absolutely amazing

  5. Wow, they are amazing! I have to tell you that I am creating your bloody bathroom for my Halloween party...I just loved it. Bought everything at the dollar store and it turned out great! You are so crafty!

    Party and Entertaining Inspiration

  6. What an awesome find!! Holey moley, I am jealous.

  7. These are amazing! Score! What a fun decoration!

  8. That is awesome! Hubby rocks!

  9. HOly cow!!! That is awesome. I want a spooky tree! i am featuring this at Grab my "featured" button.

  10. OMG! That is awesome! Totoally cool!
    Thanks for linking up to Making It With Allie! I can't wait to see what you have for next week!

  11. Totally cool! I was amazed at the detail and creativity.

  12. Wow, those trees are such treasures! I wish I could go somewhere and buy some just like them. Glad he rescued them and restored them.

  13. So cool and scary! I bet the neighborhood kids were diggin them!

  14. Totally cool! I was amazed at the detail and creativity.

  15. OMG! That is awesome! Totoally cool!
    Thanks for linking up to Making It With Allie! I can't wait to see what you have for next week!

  16. That is awesome! Hubby rocks!

  17. What an awesome find!! Holey moley, I am jealous.

  18. These are amazing! Score! What a fun decoration!
