
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I think we have a rodent problem...

For the past few year's I've eyed Martha Stewart's mice cut-outs. Each year I resist temptation, but this year it got hte best of me! I was browsing the aisles of Michael's *like I do just about every day during lunch* and these fabulous cut-outs were half off!!! How could one resist... so I immediately snatched up a package and for $3 and 12 mice later... I was a super excited camper! 

Now, let's not tell Mr. Woodsy that I found a FREE template HERE that allows you to print out, cut-out, and trace mice onto black construction paper. Think I might need to still do this since I'm loving these little rodents so much! I want more around the house! :) 

Tip toeing around the kitchen... trying to snag some baked goods and such! 

I love this little guy... scampering across the top of my stove! 

Apparently, we have a mice infestation! 


  1. They are adorable! I've been thinking of taking another trip to Michaels (yes, that's the second trip in a week for those of you keeping score) so I'll have to see if mine still has these at that great price. I may be the most frugal person out there but even I would rather cough up the $3 than spend who knows how long painstakingly cutting them out by hand. Sometimes my time's worth more than $3.

  2. i have the same little guys around my house! I have it up on my blog, go check it out!
    I want to go back and get the crows, for $3 they are totally worth it, I'll just have to wait until after vacation so they might be even cheaper since itll be so close to halloween!
    Oh, and I am following you now! Cute blog! :)

  3. You are brave. I can do spiders and I have Martha's spiders but I have a rodent "thing" and cannot bring myself to do these!

  4. Those are actually quite cute! Planning on leaving them up just for Halloween or longer??

  5. I personally am scared to death of mice...but these are cute! They are perfect for the Halloween season! Not to mention they don't eat all of the candy. Thanks for sharing!

  6. SUCH a steal!!!!! Thanks for linking up!! :)

  7. That's soo cute! But glad they're not real mice!

  8. I bought her crows to put just above one of my sofas and while the crows are great, those little foam dots they came with do NOT want to stick to the construction paper. Several crows are now hiding behind the large recliner sofa.

    Some spare glue dots, though, seems to do the trick.

  9. SUCH a steal!!!!! Thanks for linking up!! :)
