
Friday, September 10, 2010

Tutorial: Customized Magazine Holders

On a recent trip to Ikea I saw a 5 pack of plain white magazine holders for only $2. I knew these would be perfect for my new and improved craft room {once it's done I'll post pictures}. I immediately started brainstorming about how I wanted to make these. I went to the craft store took my inspirational color pallet with me (see the file cabinet makeover), and started matching other papers and patterns to it. In the end I came up with four different patterns and colors that would work well with this new room. What I love best about this project is that it cost me less than $10 to complete (factoring int he cost of the spray adhesive--w/o that cost it was less than $5!!!

Supplies you'll need for this project: 
  • 1 pkg of 5 white cardboard magazine holders ($2 at ikea)
  • (10) 2 sheets each of coordinating paper 
  • spray adhesive
  • exacto knife
  • cutting mat
  • tons of newspaper to cover your surface
Each magazine holder requires two 12x12 sheets of scrapbook paper (or some fabric would probably work too). I first used modge podge to adhere the first sheet and I noticed that the paper was bubbling up, so I quickly switch to spray adhesive which worked best. If you've never worked with spray adhesive IT GETS EVERYWHERE!!! Beware of everything around you! I sprayed one piece of scrapbook paper then carefully placed it onto the magazine holder. I then carefully wrapped the excess paper onto its side.

*Here's what it looks like folded. Next, you will take your exacto knife and carefully cut around the silhouet of the magazine holder removing the excess paper (don't throw this away you will use the scraps for the next step pictured below).  You will repeat this step again trying to match the back piece as close as possible to the existing sheet so that they match up. Then cut off the excess. 

Next you will take the scraps of paper you just cut with the exacto knife and piece together the front portion. Remember you won't see the front of the holder on the shelf you will see the back of the magazine holder. Apply more spray adhesive, and place the paper on the front. 

Here is what the finished product will look like. Now repeat all of the steps above to finish the remaining 4 magazine holders. 

Here are 4 of the 5 magazine holders resting on my bookcase! 
*As you can see I didn't match all the seams of the paper up that well. If you can't match the seams you could always use a third piece of scrapbook paper to make the back flow evenly! 

As seen on: CraftGawker


  1. They look good! I love that paisely paper! I've been wanting to make some of these. I've seen how you can do it with empty cereal boxes! Thanks for sharing!

  2. They look SO cute! What a great way to hide all your magazines -- great tutorial too! :)

  3. Wow, those look great! I have a ton of these cardboard magazine things in a closet at my parents' house (but they are ugly gray/blue/brown). I think I will have to go dig them out for this project and use them in our office.


  4. These are SO cute! I'd love to try something similar in my craft room for all my art books and magazines!

  5. Those look fantastic! Thank you for the idea, I think I'll try something like this to hold my scrapbook paper!

  6. Thanks for the follow! I am following you back! I love those! I will be back to check out the rest of your craftiness!

  7. This is such a fantastic idea! And $2.00! Get out! :)

  8. Great tutorial! I'd love it if you'd link up at my Home and Family Friday linky party.


  9. Love the papers you used. This is on my list to do for my daughter bedroom. Thanks for the inspiration!

  10. They look wonderful and I especially like the color combo and the one with the paisley motif.

    Please stop by, we're giving away a super Roxy girl's bedding ensemble for "Giveaway Friday"!

    Jane T. visiting from Frugal Friday

  11. Cute papers! I've been meaning to do this for awhile.... it's another one of those projects on "the list".

    :) Yours look great!

  12. Following from Pink Dandy...would love to have you follow back!

  13. Happy Sunday!

    Following you now from Pink Dandy Blog Hop! Please follow my blog of inspiring messages, all original work of mine.

  14. These are fantastic. I bought a bunch of these at Target Years ago for something like $12 each. Yours are better!

    I am here for the Sunday blog hops and am following you via google reader. I hope to see you at Dropped Stitches.

    xo Erin

  15. Those look great! I love this blog. You give me so many great ideas I want to try :)

  16. Those look great! I love this blog. You give me so many great ideas I want to try :)

  17. They look wonderful and I especially like the color combo and the one with the paisley motif.

    Please stop by, we're giving away a super Roxy girl's bedding ensemble for "Giveaway Friday"!

    Jane T. visiting from Frugal Friday

  18. Wow, those look great! I have a ton of these cardboard magazine things in a closet at my parents' house (but they are ugly gray/blue/brown). I think I will have to go dig them out for this project and use them in our office.


  19. They look good! I love that paisely paper! I've been wanting to make some of these. I've seen how you can do it with empty cereal boxes! Thanks for sharing!
