
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Skeleton Magnets {Mini Tutorial}

Some of you might know this, but my craft room is non-existant right now. Our guest bedroom has turned into craft room storage, and frankly, looks like an episode of Hoarders {minus the dead cats}. My husband has been working on custom shelving and table top for quite some time now, and unfortunately, it's no where near complete. Since we had friends over our house last weekend I had to pack all my craft stuff up {again} since it was residing on top of our pool table, and that was not practical for entertaining! 

Let me just say that I'm so glad I had the energy to pull a few items out of this hoarders type room! I managed to find my glass stones (large bag for $1 at the dollar store), magnets (18 round magnetic buttons for $2 at walmart), remnants of skeleton scrapbook paper (.55 at Michaels), a foam brush (used), and mod podge ($10). All the items you would need to make some cool skeleton like magnets! 

Once you have all of your supplies gathered you'll want to place a glass stone over the portion of the image you want to cut out and cut around it. As you can tell from the photo below I don't cut circles well (thankfully you won't see this with the end product)! Once you've cut out all of your circles you'll want to dab a little bit of mod podge onto the glass stone and carefully secure the paper to it. You'll want to push on the paper and stone so that all the excess mod podge goes to the outside of the paper (look at the front of the stone you'll see the glue move to the outside). Once this happens you'll use your finger and pat the glue around the edge of the paper. Repeat this step until all of your stones are complete. Once these have dried {about 30 minutes} you can place your magnetic button on the back of the paper stone!

Here's your finished product! 
Creepy-cool skeleton magnets to put on your refrigerator! 
Disclaimer: I classified this as a $1 project because you won't use all the materials purchased. Since the $1 bag of glass stones contained about 50 stones: the cost per stone is 2 cents. You are only using but maybe a teaspoon of mod podge. The foam brush is one that I reuse time and time again. The scrapbook paper was 55 cents at Michaels and I literally used a remnant of paper. Depending on how many magnets you make will depend on how much your project will cost. 

I entered: 


  1. I just wanted to stop by and let you know that I linked to this post today from the Home & Garden channel at Craft Gossip. :)

    Your feature will appear in the main Craft Gossip RSS feed, on the main home page and can be found directly here

    If you would like a "featured by" button, you can grab one here!

  2. These would be great for the "BOO!" bags that are about to be swapped in the neighborhood!!

  3. Hi Katie, saw your question on Craft Gossip. You can get the feature button at the link I provided in my comment above :)

  4. Dang, another mod podge project. I stink at using that stuff. Seriously! These are cute though.

  5. coming from the paper you used!

  6. This is a cute-spooky one:) I am now following you thanks to Buzz on By Thursday blog hop, and it would be nice if you could share the love back on my blog;)
    Also don't forget, if you need any help increasing your blog's traffic or easy blog design tutorials, you know where to come!
    Today we have some amazing blog tricks and tips up our sleeves, so make sure you don't miss it! Happy Thursday!

  7. @Sandra

    You can use a *clear* silicone adhesive instead of the mod-podge (I'm totally with you)... use a tiny dab between the paper and the magnet, then a small dab between the paper (image side) and the stone. Let dry on a flat surface, overnight or however long the tube of silicone adhesive says.

  8. These are so cute! I LOVE your paper!

  9. I totally love this! I'm going to have to try this with the minions this weekend!

  10. Saw you at 733...Just had to say this is soooo cute! Love that scrap paper!

  11. That is so cute and a great idea!

    I just found your blog through a Thursday Blog Hop! Have a great night.

    Amanda @

  12. Following from Buzz on By Thursdays.

  13. Made some today! It's hilarious because I was already planning on it. The pictures were even cut out!! LOL

    ~ Nikki

  14. Those are awesome!!

    Following you for Social Parade!

    Have a great Friday!

  15. Those skeleton faces are the cutest. They caught my eye at JAG. You may be interested in my Fabric Fun Thursday link party as I see you "sew" ;). *blessings, Kim

  16. Too cool! I bet you could do the same thing with other holiday papers. Or ones with just shapes...hmmm...I pickes some of those stones up the other day, I might have to make a few! Thanks!

  17. These are too cute...what a great idea :)

  18. These are funky and awesome! I love the paper you used- perfect for halloween!

  19. Fun idea! My kids would love them :) Thanks SO much for joining in on Thrilling Thursdays @ Paisley Passions. I love to see the creative talent of other fellow bloggers. Hope you to see you again soon :)
    ~Lori S.
    Thrilling Thursdays @Paisley Passions

  20. thankyuo for the tutorial - i have made some today - first lot werent too succesfull but have done a much better job second time around!!

  21. How adorable!!! Plus an easy tutorial! Thanks for sharing!

  22. LOL! These are so scary (and so cute at the very same time!)

    If you get a chance, I'd love for you to link to this on Not "Baaad" Sundays with LambAround :)

  23. that is so cute, and scary. my boyfriend would say that is a crime against a harbor freight ad, lol. that's what it looks like.

  24. Really cute and really freaky! I love these. They would be really fun to make and to give.

  25. These look so easy and very cute!! I MUST make them. Thanks for sharing!

  26. These are FANTASTIC! I teach grade 5 and these would be a wonderful Halloween activity...thanks for the inspiration!
    I'm visiting from C.R.A.F.T.

  27. Another winning project! I keep scrolling down through your blog and find more and more projects I want to copy. I'm now a follower!

  28. They look awesome! Thanks for linking up to my Halloween Party!

    - Megan

  29. Haha, thank you!! I had seen a similar project recently and wanted to try it, but couldn't find the post I'd read. Then I find this one via Making Monday Marvelous over at C.R.A.F.T., and TA-DA - just the tutorial I was looking for! Very very CUTE magnets!!

  30. Those are extremely cute!


  31. I love the skelatons. Thanks for the info. about applying the Modge Podge because I have had a bit of problem with it being smudgey. Joni

  32. Very awesome. I have made these exactly as you did with dollar store gems. I use them on the fridge all the time. But...Love the Halloween paper. Doing some now. Thanks much,

  33. Now those are a new twist on glass pebble magnets! The way the glass magnifies the design is great fun! Thanks for sharing with us at A Crafty Soiree! Please join us next time too!

  34. I featured you today:

    ~Allison @ House of Hepworths

  35. I did this project today with my nieces and it turned out great! Thanks for the great idea!


  36. featured these today on my blog.

  37. Love 'em! And best yet.. I have all the materials for these right in my own hoarder-ish-craft-room.

    Found you from CSI.

  38. Love 'em! And best yet.. I have all the materials for these right in my own hoarder-ish-craft-room.

    Found you from CSI.

  39. I did this project today with my nieces and it turned out great! Thanks for the great idea!


  40. I'm your newest follower thanks to the blog hops! I hope you can stop by and follow back at

    My site offers 2 weekly blog hops (Mon & Weds), store matchups, a coupons database, free samples, giveaways and so much more. I look forward getting to know you.

  41. I love the skelatons. Thanks for the info. about applying the Modge Podge because I have had a bit of problem with it being smudgey. Joni

  42. Haha, thank you!! I had seen a similar project recently and wanted to try it, but couldn't find the post I'd read. Then I find this one via Making Monday Marvelous over at C.R.A.F.T., and TA-DA - just the tutorial I was looking for! Very very CUTE magnets!!

  43. These look so easy and very cute!! I MUST make them. Thanks for sharing!

  44. Hi Katie, saw your question on Craft Gossip. You can get the feature button at the link I provided in my comment above :)

  45. thankyuo for the tutorial - i have made some today - first lot werent too succesfull but have done a much better job second time around!!
